Leander Bring In Bridges From Stevens

2013 Coaching Change: Leander Lions

Old Head Coach: Clint Harper -- Leaving for 4A Marshall. He led the Lions for the past 2 years to a 19-6 record. Before taking over as head coach, he had been and assistant or offensive coordinator with the Lions for 5 seasons. This was his first head coaching position. He has also worked as an assistant at Baytown Sterling and Jacksonville.

New Head Coach: Lee Bridges -- From 5A Northside Stevens where he led the Falcons to a 37-42 record over the past 7 seasons. He has been the only head coach in the history of Stevens which began varsity play in 2006. Coach Bridges has also been the head coach at Northside Taft, Killeen (1996-1999 going 15-25) and Austin High (1992-1995 going 16-25). He has a career record of 115-117-0 which puts him in the Top 350 all-time for coaching wins.

Team News: The Lions now have 12 consecutive non-losing seasons.

Coaching changes for 2013.

by Michael Wright
Lone Star Gridiron
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