Five Big Things in #txhsfb: 08/16/17 by Chris Doelle
Updated: August 16, 2017

Five Big Things in Texas High School Football
It's that time again… time for my Five BIG Things! These are the things that stood out for me recently as it relates to Texas high school football. As usual, they are not listed in order of importance – just as they come to me. And yes, I know another site recently added their "5 big things" but as with just about everything cool surrounding "the greatest sport in the greatest state" ™ we did it here first and best!
1.My Book is Published! - Yes, it is blatant promotion but I am really proud of what this book contains. As the subtitle says, it is a handbook of wisdom for parents, young people and yes, even coaches! I truly believe that. These are troubling times and trouble times require great character, poise, discipline, honesty, integrity etc. These are the things that Ken Purcell and I focus on in the book, ALL I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED FROM MY TEXAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL COACH.
Do me (and yourself) a favor and pick up the book and help spread some good news to counteract all the negativity.
2. Shortage of Officials – Both Michael Wright and I officiated Texas high school football during college and while it was an absolute blast, it was a lot of work for very little pay and often a pain in the neck.
Fans love to hate them. Coaches love to dispute them. Players love to blame them for bad calls. Heck, it is often a very thankless position. Without them however, we simply DO NOT HAVE THIS GAME! I can't really stress enough just how important officials are in this game we love.
What can you do to help?
- You could officiate some games. Yes, they will start you off at the lower levels until you prove that you can handle the gig, but you will love it.
- You could support your officials. Let them know before and after the game that you appreciate the work and sacrifice they put in.
- You could bite your tongue. Even if you assume that your view from the stands is clearer than his five feet from the action, realize that you too could be mistaken. Or better yet, just realize that everyone makes mistakes and while it may have cost your team a valuable first down or turnover... it is just a game and good and bad calls happen to every team, every game, every season, every year - it all evens out.... relax.
- Did I say you could officiate? I can't stress this one enough. The game needs more great officials (especially someone like you that has such perfect judgement from 60 yards away haha)
Contact the Texas Association of Sports Officials (TASO) to add your name to the list of great folks helping our sport - also share the need with everyone you can!
3. Everyone Has a Perfect Record – As we roll out rankings on every single team in every single classification and predictions of every district as well as game-by-game prognostication of each playoff game, we are overlooking one huge thing. Nobody on that list has won or lost a single game yet. That means that the slate is clean and everyone has a shot to wildly exceed expectations or even fall woefully short. The saying goes... "that's why they play 'em!"
Yes, your team has yet to win or lose a game. It has yet to score or give up a point. It has yet to gain or lose a single yard. There is something exhilarating and frightening about that all at the same time.
The good news is that everyone is hard at work with fall practice and those who are putting in the work will receive the reward this season. For some it will be to win a state championship. For others it will be to grab a district championship or a single district win. There are even those whose reward will be to get the first win of their varsity career or bring an end to a losing streak. It could be to simple be competitive for the first time.
The rewards themselves do not matter as much as the fact that this game hands them out and we collectively get to enjoy this wonderful life-changing and positive sport.
4. Our Game is Under Attack - Everyone knows that the talk of concussions has a lot of people in a tizzy - I get it, I have a kid playing Texas high school football and that concerns me as well. I am reconciled to the fact that this game is safer than it has ever been and even back in the day when we had two-a-days and were told to take salt tablets and not drink too much water, it was a safe game. Yes, there are injuries, but the benefits far outweigh the risks.
I am talking about much more than just the concussion hype - I think our game is under attack from much more though. We are under attack for daring to let people compete - folks are fine with the winning... but the losing? That will certainly destroy Johnny's self-confidence! NO - that will build Johnny into a man that will know how to get back up when knocked down... and life WILL knock him down.
This sport needs to be protected. This sport needs to stay true to the ideals and character that make it great. It needs to remain a privilege and not a right. It needs to remain HARD TO DO. We all need to protect it from the slings and arrows tossed by well-meaning but uninformed do-gooders.
5. Remember this is fun too - In a society where people are quick to be "pro" or "against" something, we oftentimes don't remember what is important. Yes, this game teaches valuable lessons but this game is fun too. More than anything else, it is fun. The fact that you can learn to stand up for your friend, to suck it up and keep fighting, to show character in victory or defeat while playing a game is frankly, amazing.
Let's keep it fun for our kids, keep it fun for the fans, keep it fun for the officials and yes, keep it fun for the coaches. Everyone involved puts a ton of effort into pulling off this wonderful miracle each week and everyone involved needs to enjoy themselves win or lose.
So please keep contributing and please keep sharing our passion for Texas high school football! Together, we are all what makes this such a great sport!
by Chris Doelle
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