All posts by Chris Doelle
Meet Jarrett Stidham: The King of Friday Night Lights In Texas
Bleacher Report has been putting out some excellent videos recently and none has been better than their...
010715 All about RECRUITING!
The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show Chris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers recruit. His expertise...
TXHSFB Highlights Under Armour All-America Game
More than 90 of the nation’s elite high school football players have been selected by ESPN Recruiting...
Cameron Yoe Silences Critics in Record-Setting 3A DI Title Win
Photo @burnet44 Pat Carrigan Cameron Yoe had a lot of unlikely things happen this season - they...
Canadian Downs Mason for Class 2A DI Crown
The Mason Punchers started out fast but the Canadian Wildcats pulled out a 34-7 victory to win...
121714 – Championship Preview time!
The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show Chris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest...
2014 UIL Football State Championships Schedule
UIL Football State Championships Information (2A, 3A, 4A, 5A & 6A) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AUSTIN, TX— The...
Semifinal Playoff Top Performances
2014 Texas High School Football Quarterfinal Highlights (links are to team histories - Premium content) Class 6A:...
Gilmer’s Point-a-Minute Offense Looks Unstoppable
Celina knew what to expect from the point-a-minute offense of Gilmer and chose to start the game...
Mariota has 1 game to Crack TXHSFB Stranglehold ☆ ☆
Taking a look at Heisman trophy winners from the perspective total offensive production in their trophy winning...
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